Find out exactly how much profit you’re pouring down the drain
Fix the problem of costly over pours with BarVision technology
How to Make the Most Accurate Pours, Ever
Heavy pouring contributes to revenue loss – the more bartenders overpour, the fewer drinks they can make and sell.
With BarVision, see every detail about who poured what and when, so you can show staff the data and re-train them on pouring consistent drinks across locations.
Our free wireless Smart Spouts and Tap Sensors capture pours in real-time, so you have more information for better forecasting (and you’ll find out exactly how much of your profit is going down the drain to fix the problem for good).
Schedule Your BarVision Demo Now
Turn More Pours into Profits
How Barvision Increased Sales by $5,000 in 1 Month!
"Using BarVision forced us to create recipes for all drinks, update our POS, and have conversations with bartenders to reinforce good behaviors. In the first month, we went to a reasonable 24% pour cost, down from 38%. We saw a 10% drop on liquor used while sales increased by $5,000.”